”The Ovzon T6 is a giant leap forward compared with its successful predecessor, the industry standard Ovzon T5, developed and introduced in 2014. We are excited to bring this new Ovzon T6 terminal to the market as we approach the launch of our own satellite, Ovzon 3, at the end of 2021.


Capex was SEK 135m, meaning that Ovzon has now invested SEK 880m in its Ovzon-3 project (it expects to invest ~SEK 1.5bn in total). Leased capacity sales should grow in 2021e As usual, our key focus in Ovzon’s quarterly reports is the development of the Ovzon-3 satellite project.

Vi har vidare lanserat tjänsten Ovzon Go, en paketerad produkt som kompletterar vår skräddarsydda och "The Ovzon T6 is a giant leap forward compared with its successful predecessor, the industry standard Ovzon T5, developed and introduced in 2014. We are excited to bring this new Ovzon T6 terminal to the market as we approach the launch of our own satellite, Ovzon 3, at the end of 2021. 2020-12-07 19:24:18 Ovzon AB: Ovzon demonstrates unprecedented high data rates with the new Ovzon T6 terminal-0,84% | 1,92 MSEK 2020-12-07 08:30:00 Ovzon AB: Ovzon visar oöverträffad prestanda med nya terminalen Ovzon T6 +1,19% | 4,60 MSEK Ovzon AB: Ovzon demonstrates unprecedented high data rates with the new Ovzon T6 terminal 2020-12-07 19:24:18 During demonstrations of the Ovzon service for customers in the US, Ovzon achieved ground-breaking 50 Mbps transmit and 120 Mbps receive with the new laptop sized OvzonT6 terminal used on the steerable beams available in Ovzon's network. Ovzon T6 har redan under fjärde kvartalet köpts in av det amerikanska försvaret. Prestandan ligger i en klass för sig på marknaden och med vår nya satellit Ovzon 3 kommer vi dessutom kunna öka överföringshastigheten ytterligare.

Ovzon t6

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We also see this order as a confirmation of the value to the customer of our new Ovzon T6 terminal. The terminal is lighter and easier to use than any other terminal on the market, and thereby the obvious choice for a mobile user", says Magnus René, CEO of Ovzon. About Ovzon. PARIS — Swedish satellite mobile broadband service provider Ovzon AB reported sharply lower revenue and a sizable operating loss for the three months ending Sept.

The terminal is lighter and easier to use than any other terminal on the market, and thereby the obvious choice for a mobile user", says Magnus René, CEO of Ovzon. FNCA Sweden AB, +46(0)8-528 00 399, info@fnca.se,is the company's Certified Adviser.

"The Ovzon T6 is a giant leap forward compared with its successful predecessor, the industry standard Ovzon T5, developed and introduced in 2014. We are excited to bring this new Ovzon T6 terminal to the market as we approach the launch of our own satellite, Ovzon 3, at the end of 2021.

”Ovzon T6 är ett stort steg framåt jämfört med sin framgångsrika föregångare, Ovzon T5, som utvecklades och introducerades 2014. Vi är glada över att introducera Ovzons T6 på marknaden nu när vi närmar oss lanseringen av vår egen satellit, Ovzon 3, i slutet av 2021. ”Ovzon T6 är ett stort steg framåt jämfört med sin framgångsrika föregångare, Ovzon T5, som utvecklades och introducerades 2014. Vi är glada över att introducera Ovzons T6 på marknaden nu när vi närmar oss lanseringen av vår egen satellit, Ovzon 3, i slutet av 2021.

Ovzon has received a new order from the Italian Ministry of Defense, the Ministero Della Difesa, through its local partner Gomedia Satcom. The order, which is an expansion of the current service, delivers Ovzon´s high speed satellite services, including terminals, for on the move and on the pause data applications.

Vi är glada över att introducera Ovzons T6 på marknaden nu när vi närmar oss lanseringen av vår egen satellit, Ovzon 3, i slutet av 2021. Ovzon demonstrates unprecedented high data rates with the new Ovzon T6 terminal Mon, Dec 07, 2020 19:24 CET Ovzon's steerable satellite-based infrastructure used for the tests can instantly be moved into areas of need and easily be reconfigured when the geographical need changes. Same performance can be given over land, water and in air. The Ovzon T6 terminal used during the tests is easy to use and has the size of a common small L-band terminal. 8 timmar sedan · Det italienska försvaret har använt Ovzons tjänster sedan 2020 och i mars 2021 utökades ordern. Affären omfattar Ovzons satellittjänster och terminaler, bland annat vår nya Ovzon T6-terminal för användning On-The-Pause och terminaler för On-The-Move applikationer. Det italienska försvaret har använt Ovzons tjänster sedan 2020 och i mars 2021 utökades ordern.

Den nya  News zur OVZON AKTIE ✓ und aktueller Realtime-Aktienkurs ✓ Ovzon AB 23.10.20, OVZON AB: Ovzon introduces Ovzon T6, a new portable satellite  Nov 21, 2020 Popular now. Ovzon demonstrates unprecedented high data rates with the new Ovzon T6 terminal. 07.12.2020. House prices rise almost 8%,  Dec 31, 2020 Operating profit amounted to SEK -19.3M (13.7). • During the quarter, a new portable satellite terminal,.

”The Ovzon T6 is a giant leap forward compared with its successful predecessor, the industry standard Ovzon T5, developed and introduced in 2014. We are excited to bring this new Ovzon T6 terminal to the market as we approach the launch of our own satellite, Ovzon 3, at the end of 2021. Ovzon AB: Ovzon introducerar Ovzon T6, en ny portabel satellitterminal 13:45 / 23 October 2020 Ovzon Press release Den nya terminalen Ovzon T6 är baserad på Ovzons satellitexpertis och inkluderar ny banbrytande antennteknik med automatisk polarisations-justering.

High Data Rates Achieved With The New Ovzon T6 Terminal December 7, 2020 During demonstrations of the Ovzon service for customers in the US, the company achieved ground-breaking 50 Mbps transmit and 120 Mbps receive with the new laptop sized OvzonT6 terminal used on the steerable beams available in Ovzon’s network. Ovzon has in connection with the listing transfer prepared a prospectus which today has been approved by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority ("SFSA") (Sw. Finansinspektionen) and has been published on the Company's web page, www.ovzon.com.
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High Data Rates Achieved With The New Ovzon T6 Terminal December 7, 2020 During demonstrations of the Ovzon service for customers in the US, the company achieved ground-breaking 50 Mbps transmit and 120 Mbps receive with the new laptop sized OvzonT6 terminal used on the steerable beams available in Ovzon’s network.

"The Ovzon T6 is a giant leap forward compared with its successful predecessor, the industry standard Ovzon T5, developed and introduced in 2014. We are excited to bring this new Ovzon T6 terminal to the market as we approach the launch of our own satellite, Ovzon 3, at the end of 2021.

Ovzon introducerar Ovzon T6, en ny portabel satellitterminal. ”Ovzon T6 är ett stort steg framåt jämfört med sin framgångsrika föregångare, Ovzon T5, som 

Sedan starten 2006 har Ovzon utvecklat en helhetslösning för att tillgodose det ökande behovet av mobil bredbandsuppkoppling i områden som saknar traditionella telekomtjänster eller där uppkopplingen inte når önskvärd prestanda. Med avancerade Ovzon's steerable satellite-based infrastructure used for the tests can instantly be moved into areas of need and easily be reconfigured when the geographical need changes. Same performance can be given over land, water and in air.

The Company offers services via satellite combining bandwidth satellite communication services with mobile terminals. Terminals are offered in two versions: Manpacks, which enable transmit throughput of 20 megabits per second (Mbps) and received reception of 60 Mbps, as well as On The Move (OTM) terminal that transmits SvD Näringsliv - nyheter inom ekonomi och näringsliv, aktier och börs.